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Simpsons Predictions For 2024 Will Blow Your Mind | Simpsons Predictions Scared |

Simpsons Predictions

Simpsons Predictions

Friends, do you know that from today 23 years ago the simpsons cartoons introduced the world to.Told that humans are free from virtual reality.Will be able to eat digital food and how in 1992.Cartoons showed that there is such a thing in the world.Device will be invented in which parents will be innocent.Well you will be able to understand the language of today's children. I will show you Simpson cartoons.

Simpsons Predictions Scared

I will give such predictions which are 100%.If it is going to turn into reality then let's start.You know everything about reality.With its help we will be in such a world reach where nothing is real there would rather be just one image of everything but still it is visible to us physically.And even if we touch and use them.like in many vr games.This is shown to the extent of Well Games.This sounds quite amazing but are you.Would you believe that in New York there is such a.Restaurant has opened where people can enjoy VR.

Food is fed, it sounds like this.Looks strange but Arrow Banquet RM one.There is a restaurant where customers are given VR.Eating VR Food with Glasses.Experience is given but you after knowing heirangoithong.Virtual Via Straw Wearing Cess.Eating reality fudge in the year 2000.So there was no concept of this thing then.How do these people feel about VR food?

Turns out it's still a mystery.Cars that fly like planes.You must have seen these called hover cars.Earlier this technology was limited to films only.Was the same Mahdood but now different from the world.Companies to make flying cars in real.Infact these advanced ones are trying.The three wheel flying car you are looking at.

It was developed by an American company Samsung's.This company has developed and says that.They will launch this car in 2024.With this help people will be able to travel by air.But would you believe that Simpson?

Cartus predicts it 18 years from today.The Simpsons actually did it in 2005.15 episodes of season 16 were released.Whose name was Future Drama, it included Baad and.Lisa takes a tour of the city in a flying car.These cars hover exactly like this.Used to do like nowadays hover drone and hover.Cars do this thing at that time only.When cartoons or imagination seemed even.These cartoons were made then someone realized the real thing.

Didn't even think about flying car.But this prediction of Simpson cartoons.Well, all these things became absolutely true.One thing is clear from this that this cartoon.Not ordinary cartons but using them either belong to any satanic organization keep or are they so powerful that.Most of the events happening in the world.That's why these people control them.Knows everything, whatever it may be.

These cartoons are really creepy.Friends, many of you like this.You may know that science has been going on for years.They are doing research on Mars, they say.That this is a planet on which humans are,Even the world's largest can create a new world.Richest person Elon Musk also in last few years of building a colony on Mars.Are still trying for this work.They launched their company under the name of Space One.

Private space company has also been opened so that.Through this he can do research on Mars but.Did you know that the Simpsons in 2016.Made people take a tour of this planet on March 13, 2016, season 27 of The Simpsons.Episode 16 was released named The Merge.The Chronicles had Lisa Mars going on in it.

But the space shuttle.Its plan may fail due to spoilage goes but the story doesn't end here.At the end of this episode a round of year 2051.Marge and Lisa are shown.Both are living even in Mars featured regularly in cartoons ,How to land a spaceship on mars?

There will also be a colony for humans to live.Well will be built, you will see that these,When to watch these cartoon predictions,See ya guys as we all know,That nowadays is the era of artificial intelligence,And such robots were invented in the world who are going to act exactly like humans.

Do but the simpsons made fun of these robots.Muthalik is of such a prediction that.Well you all will be surprised to hear about it .Season 23 of The Simpsons Cartoons in 2012.Episode 7 was released named 10,Robots were shown in this that.Simpson's boss tells all the employees including this one fires him from the job and says now.Instead of these, robots worked in the company.Nowadays, the speed at which robots will do our work interfere with the world and our lives.Looks like it has happened.

That Simpson's prediction is also almost true.Will prove and robots will dominate the whole world.Even if six go to Japan, it will be done by AI robot.Work has also been started there.From hotels to inside companies.Robots do all the serving work.Now it remains to be seen how these robots.Will put an end to human work.An episode of Friends Simpson in 2015.Was released named Bar to the Future.It had Simpson on top of a sign appears to be flying over.Trump 2024 is written in this episode 2015.It was released in 2017 and Trump Real,Now though I had become president.Donald Trump's presidency in 2021.

It is over but on 15th November 2022.Trump has again announced that he.Will contest elections and also in 2024 become president of America again.Not only this but 17 February 1994.In Episode 14 of Season Five of The Simpsons.Was released named Lisa vs Malibu.It had a news anchor and a new barbie doll.Tells about as well as news.Let's arrest the President of America.This time it's just a cartoon.It seemed the same but no one knew that.This is actually a prediction of the future and this.Prediction may prove true on 4th April 2023.That day the barbie doll movie went to America was released and also Donald Trump.

Arrested on charges of harsh money payment.These really unbelievers were taken.The era has come when such robots will be invented .Who are more intelligent than humans?

And there are more powerful than these but what if.If only robots made by humans dominate a few years ago.Work on making a robot named Lada started.

This robot is so advanced that it.It would not be wrong to say human because this bean.Has feelings like humans and.Not only that, it also reacts.In fact, it is also quite aggressive.He was also fired from his job at Google3 but you won't believe it.Simpson Cartas introduced these robots in 1994 itself.

Had predicted and told the world.Had given that robots should dominate humans.Will go to season six of these cartoons.Fourth Episode In Itchy and Scratchy Land,Simpson with his family at Disneyland,Where the entire staff is robotic.And in the end all those robots are humans.Well now in the world.He has become such a robot but this is humanity.

Something about how it will deal with,Can't be said friends if small children,If we talk about it, they have no tongue,It is only through gestures and crying that,Tells parents that they are hungry.Are you in pain or something else?

This will let the person know that his children.When does he need what and where does he feel pain?

What is happening or what does he have to eat?

Not only this but this software also.By observing your baby's mood, you.Will provide tips so that your child

can grow well but this.Software that is developing in the world today.It was in The Simpsons Carts in 1992.

Was introduced on 27th April.1992 episode 24 of season three of The Simpsons.Whose name is brother can you space two dimes.It shows a baby translator.This is a device that is suitable for children.

By converting hu yes into human language tells what the child is trying to say.

Actually the Simpsons cartoons 20 years ago.It was only then that people were told that such devices. would come who will be able to understand the language of children,Like many Simpsons productions.

These cartoons will indeed prove to be true mysterious.



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